Schedule of presentations: Di 14-15:30 in Seminarraum 1 des Mathematischen Instituts (Raum 005)
Teaching assistant: Dr. Thomas Rot (email: thomas (dot) rot (at) uni-koeln (dot) de). Sprechstunde: Do 14-16:00.
Language of the oral presentations: English
Prerequisites: It is required that the students attending this seminar have attended an Algebraic Topology course.
Content of the presentations: We will cover as much as possible of the book ``Characteristic classes" by John W. Milnor , James D. Stasheff, with possible material from ``Differential Forms in Algebraic Topology" by Loring W. Tu and R. Bott
03/11/2016 Isabelle Charton: Chapter 2 of the book "Characteristic classes"
"Young man, in mathematics you don't understand things. You just get used to them." - John von Neumann
Seminar on Characteristic classes
Wintersemester 2015/16
Prof. Dr. Silvia Sabatini
(sabatini (at) math (dot) uni-koeln (dot) de)
If you are interested in attending the seminar, please contact me as soon as possible at the email address above.